- Man with Torch
- Man with Cockerel, 2001-2002
- Windows, 2002
- Man with Cockerel 2, 2004
- Fables From The House of Ibaan, 2007
- He Was A Good Man, 2008
- Auroboros, 2009
- Forest, 2009
- Not From Here, 2009
- Wall (Not Available), 2009
- Cul de Sac in Taxila, 2010
- Kettle, 2010
- 18 Allegories of the Self, 2011
- Chimeric Enrapture, 2011
- Sweet Unease, 2011
- House of Opaque Water, 2012
- Markings, 2012
- Urban Utopia, 2013
- The Great Topiarist's Astonishing Dilemma, 2014
- Raja Ravi Varma in the house of Levi, 2017
- Repast Mysteries, 2017
- The Wait, 2017
- Untitled, 2017
- Not Anonymous: Waking to the Fear of a New Dawn, 2017 - 18
- Majestic Grace, 2018
- Fearsome Acquiescence of a Monotonous Life, 2019
- The Wind of Heaven is that which blows between a Horse's Ears, 2021
Forest, 2009