Ranbir Kaleka
Windows, 2002
Single channel video projection/ sculpture
6 min loop with sound
96 x 48 x 48 inches (244 x 122 x 122 cm)
This is a single channel video of 6 minute loop with sound. It is a free standing sculpture, 244 x 122 x 122 cm, high kiosk-like wood/board construction on wheels...
This is a single channel video of 6 minute loop with sound. It is a free standing sculpture, 244 x 122 x 122 cm, high kiosk-like wood/board construction on wheels that is collapsible to facilitate transportation. The video projected on the ‘kiosk’ creating a 6 minute puppet-theatre/Punch & Judy, comic strip, kind of cinema-show: an enactment seen through and outside two windows. The installation requires total darkness: ideally a tent, (size variable), in the open with black or dark blue interior and a colourful design on the outside.